I went to work today with the intent to get a TON done. Instead, I did a bunch of scrubbing! It amazes me how dirty things get over the summer! I go back again tomorrow and hopefully I can get the bulk of things put away quickly. I was hoping to be mostly done with room set up tomorrow. We also found out that the teacher coming from Jamaica is having trouble getting her visa cleared and won't be able to start until the beginning of September. Ekkkkk! Hopefully the rest of us can rally together an get her room somewhat set up for her. Here goes nothing!
I have a ton of projects to get done tonight so I really shouldn't be blogging; I just had to write a quick blog to let you know am super exited to be a part of a fabulous group of bloggers over at Me and My Gang! It was started by two wonderful teamies, Monica Schroeder (of The Schroeder Page) and Stephie McCumbee (of Mrs. McCumbee's Class). The most wonderful part is that Me and My Gang is organized by grade level (fantastic idea ladies!). Go check it out!

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